Author:Madiha Manzoor

Madiha Manzoor


Program of Masters & PhD in Nursing profession
Faculty of Engineering
Independent collage of nursing Fsd



•••Effect of self management education on diabetic patients

“Diabetic self management education (DSME) is ongoing process of facilitating the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for diabetes self care. “It is very important because during last twenty year, the prevalence of diabetic has increased in many part of world. It is now estimated that between 340 and 536 million adults (aged 20–79 years) worldwide have diabetes, with the disease accounting for an estimated 14.5% of global all-cause mortality in 2015. In Pakistan ,there were 7 million casas of diabetic in 2015(1). .Poorly managed diabetes results in hyperglycemia and eventually serious micro vascular and macro vascular complications. However, properly manage themselves through educational strategies prevent from devolving the complications. But .there is many barriers (medicine cost. financial status , family support, physical limitation, health literacy level, etc) that effect on outcome of diabetic patient. (Essien,oko,3 january 2017) The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of self management education on diabetic patients. As previous studies appraise the efficacy of DSME, it is important for all of us to know about what is effect of self management education on diabetic patient. .


TITLE - Effect of self management education on diabetic patients
AUTHOR - Madiha Manzoor
••••••IJSER Edition - May 2017

UNIVERSITY - Independent collage of nursing Fsd
Mam Shafquat Inayat
