This piece provides a pragmatic approach to the concepts of diversity and inclusion and the inherent difficulties organizations face in response to the demands of the external social and legal environment. Concurrently, it reviews the past and current trends relating to the globalization of markets and the dynamism caused by its occurrence in the workplace. Time is devoted to expounding on academia's theoretical concepts and perspectives, establishing critical linkages to business success. Central to the theories of diversity and inclusion are the challenges organizations face in developing and implementing a diverse and inclusive business strategy, amongst the alienation and legal challenges caused by failure. Throughout the paper, practical examples provide a realistic overview of the current business environment through case studies and statistical excerpts to assess the impact of effectively managing an environment suffused with differentiation. The inherent benefits of competitive advantage and financial performance are critical to the impact of diversity and inclusion. The results dictate that a systematic change has occurred globally, and company cultures must adjust to remain valuable. For companies to remain relevant, a redefinition of internal cultures through valuing diversity and preventing discriminatory deviations takes precedence.
Keywords: diversity, dynamism, globalization, inclusion, performance, workplace