International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Word is the Origin to the Evolution of the World

Aluri Srinivas Rao

Idea Summery: - Word is the origin to the evolution of the world. Dual-ism is the key Origin to the entire creation, to unlock the great mysteries, which nobody recognized in the word formation as well as world formation. Word formation process is the source to transformation of the eternal world into the fruitful society. “Structuralism fundamental path (word)”… forgotten by our forefathers.

World of Word = Dual-ism is the key origin to the hole world.

“Word formation”=“World formation”= Word is the Origin to the Evolution World.

Example:- without pivotal point, there is no circular movement.

Similarly: - with out word, there is no world movements.

“W ord” = A combination of matter & thought.

“W orld” = A visible matter, existing in the nature.

Statement of the Problem: - Dualism is the basis of creation of word in

the power potential of the World is Word.

“S tru cturalism” is missing in its fundamental path

(part). Import ance o f “w ord ” was forgotten from
times of immemorial. Owing to this, the entire society has been destroyed and still continuing spoilage of environmentally… in so many ways...

Real Running Society Vision:-

Human being has been living on this Earth for millions of years.
The development of human being, his society is inexplicable.
There are so many great intellectuals, scientists and philosophers, who have contributed with the help of science and technology and all the advanced information systems for the betterment of the society.
Along with social developments, there are so many social issues.

Important Primary social issues :- Mental disorders, Aids, Poverty, Divorce, Adultery, Alcoholism, Violence, corruption, Terrorism, Population crisis.

How..? These all the problems Arising, and
enveloping in the society…
It’s a mystery and suspense role to the human mind over the centuries.
Every one views and thinks always in the development of the society only.
But no one thinks about the World’s diabolical problems, Human week- nesses, evil effects, which stand as Impediments and indirectly acts as developmental breakings.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Meaning of a Word is Meaning

Human mind, language and society.
Man can get the knowledge wisdom through the language only.
Language is nerve of human society.
The source of language is the “word”.
Every one thinks and assumes that every utterance of the sound from our mouth is called a “word”. If that the word… written in the paper…It’s also word only. In whole creation, word gives the information which is a fact.
Every one should know the complete meaning
of word by this way…..

The language related to sounds and scriptures. The light, and signals. The music and songs are created and uttered by man. The man who created and recognized may have the motion (or) motionless, generated through word (origin to the evolution world). The word is source of information to the whole of the universe.

If a man wants to tell his name, the word is important. Each and every element is a word. The word is a source of whole (creation) livestock.
The word is born from man, and the man also born from word, and who is the first, is the question mark…?. It is the stamp of creation as a unique factor. The word is bridge to the life and death (Dual-ism).
The word is the origin to the evolution world. Word formation process is important to understand the word Meaning.
Word formation = world formation. Word means Infinity (or) God.
The word symbolizes on par with infinity. Indian scientist In mathematics “0” (zero) was proved by Aryabhat as “Infinity signal” . Similarly…, I think parallelism exits for creating “word” as cause for world existence and excellence.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 3

ISSN 2229-5518

The source of creation…. is shape.

The relation of society, mind and language.
In Science or Encyclopedia, man gets complete information. But…
There is no complete information about the “word formation” derivation, definition, and complete explanation in our science and world dictionaries.
Nobody thinks in an angle of scientifically and medically. Over centuries.
This is the new discovery coming out first time in the world.
This is a patent to the patent. World of word is a cyclic world factor.
Has the eternal world an origin? Research process…Going on...

In which way word is formed? And how? No

body thinking…

The cause to born of a man…if a man and a women becomes one, then a new life comes in between two persons...Reproduction. This is cyclic world fact (Dualism).

SimilarlyThe half part of a person …which

recognizes by the second person…the remaining half of the part becomes a complete word (Dualism).

Word formation process is the source to transformation of the eternal world into the fruitful society. This is the point of matter and thought transformation to the “word = world”.

There are so many great scientists and philosophers, who contributed for the betterment of the society.

“Darwin discovered the law of evolution in

organic nature”.

“Marx discovered the law of evolution in human


Aristotle and Albert Einstein…etc… discovered

various aspects.

But they all have forgotten the very basis to all those discoveries...?

That is “Word”. Word is the Human live, bridge to the birth and death.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 4

ISSN 2229-5518

Word formation truth table indicates…word formation = world formation. Mental ill means = Society destroys in any way…
Build up means = society developments… changes… Whatever we think with the mind for a creation of a thing recognize, motion or motionless, whatever may be the sounds of language or body language becomes a word. Any thing… dual-ism is the key origin to the entire creation. The whole human society development and destruction for all source is this explanation.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 5

ISSN 2229-5518

Innovation details:-

I am the human element. In my Vision I understood the reasons for the human weakness and social Evils stood as impediments for enlistments of society.
I am presenting “world of word–vision”
(structuralism tree) to you for your kind perusal and
Necessary response in this aspect. “World of Word
Vision” Abstract follows...
“World of word” is gospel. Dualism is the fundamental unit for the dynamic aspect of Global development with creation.
Has the world an origin? Suspense role to the human mind.
No-body knows about the world of word formation. Nobody given importance to the Dualism of word and world.
One idea can change the entire world. Social health

and peace by “word” complete explanation.
If the Meaningful analysis is drawn, the Universal brotherhood and the code of convention are understood. Therefore, World wide Governments, Intellectuals, and Media should rise to the occasion at the request of human element with wholehearted inspiration.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 6

ISSN 2229-5518

The Social value proposition: - Aim: - social health and peace.

If the meaning full analysis drawn the entire world and its developmental enterprise in the next 50 years… Rapid changes in the world order.

Improving world order


Decreasing array of social problems.

“Word” means, “Word” formation and complete explanation as a remedy to the problems of the society. World wide enlightenment in this regard is necessary, to the people about the impact of “Word”. This is my contribution to the society.

Once again…I am requesting you on this occasion, film makers, Producers, Directors, T.V channels, Governments, Intellectuals, and Media to respond to my request of human element with wholehearted inspiration.
Positively, there is always time to add a new word, but not withdrawn of word, it travels so far until the Globe is lost. This is my “word”.

Implementation Plan:-

There are so many ways to promote this object by projecting with focus.

A) Cinema B) Documentary Film. C) T.V. Serials D) Intellectual debate &


In our advanced society there is no correct derivation and definition to the “Word”, in our dictionaries and technology. This is truth & reality. This is the new discovery coming out first time in the world.

This is a patent to the patent. World of word is a cyclic world factor.

Conclusion:- In this advanced society, there is no correct meaning, derivation and definition to the “word” in our dictionaries and encyclopedia. Owing to this, entire society is in its gloom of degeneration over centuries. Word is the fundamental part to the structuralism and root cause to the entire Social events. Which nobody recognized over the past centuries. This is true…

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 9, September-2012 7

ISSN 2229-5518

Idea Origin / status:-

This is my personal life, and long research work with much experience. In my life, I faced lot of domestic and financial problems.

First of all I get a clue from my wife letter (in that she wrote interesting words High/Low), then after words…my efforts, provoked me on various thoughts and social evils which made me to enter to this concept of world of word-vision.

“World of word” Abstract is for your review… Every one view and thoughts about the society. .. How…? the social problems arising…and enveloping…, where is the source point…, where is the key to unlock the mysteries… ?.
Every one should know the future paper… “Yet to
Title: - Secrecy of the world drama wheel.

IJSER © 2012