International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1109
ISSN 2229-5518
Multi-document English Text Summarization using Latent Semantic Analysis
Soniya Patil, Ashish T. Bhole
Abstract— In today's busy schedule, everybody expects to get the information in short but meaningful manner. Huge long documents consume more time to read. For this, we need summarization of document. Work has been done on Single-document but need of multiple document summarization is encouraging. Existing methods such as cluster approach, graph-based approach and fuzzy-based approach for multiple document summaries are improving. The statistical approach based on algebraic method is still topic of research. It demands for improvement in the approach by considering the limitations of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Firstly, it reads only input text and does not consider world knowledge, for example women and lady it does not consider synonyms. Secondly, it does not consider word order, for example I will deliver to you tomorrow, deliver I will to you or tomorrow I will deliver to you. These different clauses may wrongly convey same meaning in different parts of document. Experimental results have overcomed the limitation and prove LSA with tf-idf method better in performance than KNN with tf-idf.
Index Terms—Natural language Processing (NLP), multi-document, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Singular Value Decomposition
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the computerized approach to examine text that is based on both a set of theories and a set of technologies.
Definition is defined as Natural Language Processing is a theoretically motivated range of computational techniques for examining and representing naturally occurring texts at one or more levels of language analysis for achieving language like Human for processing a range of tasks or applications.
The goal of automatic text summarization is to compress the given text to its necessary contents, based upon users’ choice of shortness. In this system, the summary is generated to draw the most significant information in a shorter form of the source text, while still keeping its principal semantic content and helps the user to quickly understand large volumes of information.
Text Summarization methods can be classified into extractive and abstractive summarization. An extractive summarization method consists of picking important sentences, paragraphs etc. from the original document and concatenating them in brief. The importance of
sentences is decided based on statistical and linguistic features of sentences. Abstractive summarizations try to develop an understanding of the main concepts in a document and then express those concepts in clear natural language. It uses linguistic methods to examine and read the text and then to find the new concepts and expressions to best describe it by generating a new shorter text that conveys the most important information from the original text document.
The single-document summarization task was approximately dropped. In multi-document summarization, important points are mixed up, such as reducing each document, combine all documents significant idea, compare the ideas from each, ordering sentences come from different sources keeping the logical and grammatical structure right[1]-[3].
Existing methods for Multi-Document summarization approaches like Graph-based, Fuzzy- based and Cluster-based are discovered. The algebraic approach consists of LSA method which is topic of research for multi-document text summarization. Its limitations are firstly that it reads only input text and does not consider world knowledge e.g. women and lady.
Secondly, it does not consider word order e. g. I will deliver to you tomorrow, deliver I will to you or tomorrow I will deliver to you. These clauses will be detected which wrongly convey same meaning.
Simply, multi-document text summarization means to retrieve salient information about a topic from various sources. Given a set of documents D = (D1, D2,…,Dn) on a topic T, the task of multi-document summarization is
to identify a set of model units (S1,S2,..,Sn). The model units can be sentences, saying or generated semantically
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1110
ISSN 2229-5518
correct language entity carrying some valuable information. Then important sentences are extracted from each model units and re-organized them to get multi-documents summary [3][4]. Summarization task can be classified into two types:
1) Single document text summarization.
2) Multi-document text summarization.
Process of multi-document summarization can be
depicted in Figure 1.
Shortest path algorithm. In this each sentence was assigned a node and accordingly same words were joined through edges. They concluded Shortest path algorithm was best suited as it generates smooth summaries in text form. Figure 2 shows the graph-based architecture [6].
Figure 2. Graph-Based Architecture
Figure 1. Multi-document Process
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 introduces about Natural Language Processing area. Its motivation and problem definition. Related Work is described in Section 2. Section 3 introduces Proposed Work to overcome the limitation.
NLP began in the 1950s as the connection of artificial intelligence and linguistics. NLP was originally distinct from text information retrieval (IR), which employs highly scalable statistics-based techniques. Chomsky's
1956 theoretical analysis of language grammars provided an guess of the problem's difficulty, influence the creation (1963) of Backus- Naur Form (BNF) notation[5].
Thakkar and Chandak in 2010, compared two
graph-based methods namely, Ranking algorithm and
But it sometimes it may happen most sentences come from same paragraph. Ozsoy, Cicekli in 2010, proposed LSA for multi-document for text summarization in Turkish language. In this LSA again explains its two approaches Cross and Topic which performs sentence selection. Its is used for Turkish language and sentence selection is done based on similarity of terms [7].
Chandra, Gupta and Paul in 2011, Statistical approach K-mixture Semantic Relationship Significance (KSRS). In this, similar terms are first weighted and then
relationship is evaluated. Its summary extraction is 50%
Ladda, Salim and Mohammed in 2011, proposed
Fuzzy Genetic approach shown in Figure 3, which is
based on fuzzy IF-THEN rules and then applying fitness
function on it[9]. The combination of methods is used, no single Fuzzy and Genetic could give such output for Multi- document. Due to combination of methods complexity increased.
Nguyen, Pham and Doan in 2012, proposed Genetic
Programming that ranks the sentences based on their importance and applies fitness function on it. It’s not suitable for English Documents[10].
Asef, Kahani, Yazdi and Kamyar in 2011, proposed LSA for multi-document for text summarization for Persian language. In this LSA again it performs term
selection. Its limitation: used for Persian language differs from English language both morphologically and semantically [11].
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1111
ISSN 2229-5518
Figure 3. Fuzzy Genetic Architecture
Xuan Li, Liang Du, and Yi-Dong Shen in May 2013, proposed an improved model of Graph-based on Ranking algorithm. It considers Group of sentences. Limitation: its NP-hard method so approximation takes place [12]. Table 1 shows the detail literature survey.
This section introduces about the new advancement in
LSA method for improving its limitations.
The design in figure 4 describes about execution.
What should be its input material, how does it process
and what is its desired output. Multiple documents are
given as input. Then, it extracts the sentences based on
term frequency taking into account its meaning and
distributes as words among abstract and from other
sections. The first step in the process it to form the
numerical dataset by collecting documents.
LSA is based on the Vector Space Model, every
document is signified by a vector in a highly
dimensional space and every element in the vector stand
for the weight for a given term for the document at hand.
step is an important step which trains the system for identification and making directory.
The first step in pre-processing phase is tokenization. Tokenization is the process of breaking a stream of text up into words, phrases, symbols, or other meaningful elements called tokens. The list of tokens becomes input
for further processing. Tokenization is useful both in linguistics (where it is a form of text segmentation), and in computer science. In the second step, All common words that do not add to the individual meaning and
situation of documents can be removed before indexing (e.g. “a", “the"). Universally a used word lists are available including a large set of so-called 'stop' words Stop words are being removed from the document. Some elements like articles; short verbs etc which are considered as a stop word are listed in a file to be eliminated. In next step, the idea of stemming is to improve the ability to detect similarity not considering the use of word alternative (stemming reduces the number of synonyms, since multiple terms sharing the same stem are mapped onto the same concept or stem). In the next step, after removing redundancy of words, dictionary is prepared and tf-idf matrix is formed [13][14].
1. Extracting the existing concept of documents: In this phase, LSA has been used for extracting the main concepts of the document. Then, Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD) is used as a rank lowering method to truncate the original vector.
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1112
ISSN 2229-5518
It will decompose the original term-by-document matrix into orthogonal factors that represent both terms and documents.SVD function performs matrix vectorization.
(tf − idf )ij = tfij * log 2( N )
2. The cosine distance between the concept vector and the document vector is calculated. This value represents the amount of similarity of each concept with a topic in
the framework. In the other words, main concept of the
Cosine distance is calculated between column vectors of matrix U (Ci) and document vector (Dj).
∑k Cikdjk
topic is extracted. Minimum the cosine similarity value,
cos(Ci, Dj) =
2 2
∑ (Cik ) ×
∑ (djk)
nearest or identical is that document to the test file.
3. Selecting file with highest index value of keyword: In this step, calculate the frequency of keywords in each file document and depending on the greatest value of particular file, summary is being created.
The mathematical formulae used in this
implementation are shown below. The very important
function of SVD is used which helps to identify the
document which belong to particular test file.
The distinctive feature of SVD is that it is capable of
capturing and representing interrelationships among
terms so that they can semantically cluster terms and
A = U∑VT (1)
Figure 4. Block Diagram of Proposed System
k k
The Experimental results of the simulation shows the followin(3g) observations between the proposed LSA with
tf-idf and existing tf-idf, difference between proposed method and KNN with tf-df and lastly difference between proposed method and copernic summarizer tool.
Contingency table is denoted which represents the relation about the documents for calculating recall, precision and accuracy of method.
1) TPi (True Positive): number of correctly classified documents as in Ci , which belong to the class Ci.
2) FPi (False Positive): number of incorrectly classified documents as in Ci , which do not belong to the class Ci.
3) FNi (False Negative): number of incorrectly classified documents as in not Ci, which are in
the class Ci.
4)TNi (True Negative): number of correctly classified
documents as in not Ci, which are not in the class Ci[14].
Recall Index refers to how many documents truly belonging to same category have been classified in class Ci.
RecallC = TPi
TPi + FNi
Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency method determine the relative frequency of words in a specific document through an inverse proportion of the word over the entire document quantity [13].
Precision is the ratio of documents classified correctly in the class Ci with the documents assigned to the class Ci.
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1113
ISSN 2229-5518
PrecisionCi =
TPi + FPi
Accuracy: it refers to the ratio of documents classified correctly to the class Ci and other than Ci among all the documents.
AccuracyCi =
TPi + TNi
TPi + FPi + TNi + FNi
Figure 5: Classification indexes of different dataset
Figure 6: Comparison of Methods
Table 7 and Table 8 shows the comparison of other methods and tool with proposed system.
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1114
ISSN 2229-5518
In this paper LSA method has been combined with tf- idf , in which SVD plays role of matrix decomposition. Tf-idf has helped to calculate and make word dictionary for forming keyterms. The keyterms selection is proved to be advantageous over existing sentence selection.
The accuracy of existing system is 50% - 60% whereas proposed system has 90%. The KNN with tf-idf method identifies only 20% of input document whereas proposed method identifies 100% input document. Copernic summarizer tool requires input file in pdf format only whereas proposed system takes input in directory containing text files.
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