The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 1
ISSN 2229-5518
Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic
Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix
N.Khadar basha
Abstract— My paper consists of master side arbitration and slave side arbitration in a system. Based on AMBA AHB protocol, the adaptive dynamic arbitration scheme is being implemented on the slave side arbitration. The multilayered advanced high-performance bus (ML-AHB) bus matrix is an interconnection between multiple masters and multiple slaves in a system. The master and the slave communicate in terms of request and grant signals. The master merely starts a burst transaction and waits for the slave response to proceed to the next transfer. However, the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM offers only transfer-based fixed-priority and round-robin arbitration schemes. In fixed priority arbitration scheme, each master is assigned a fixed priority value. It is simple in implementation and has small area cost. But in heavy communication traffic, master that has low priority value cannot get a grant signal. In round robin arbitration scheme, each master is allotted a fixed time slot. If the new master sends a request in between, then that m aster has to wait until all masters completetheir tasks. In Adaptive Dynamic arbitration scheme, the design and implementation of a flexible arbiter for the ML-AHB busmatrix is to support three priority policies—fixed priority, round robin, and dynamic priority and three data multiplexing modes—transfer, transaction, and desired transfer length. The slave side arbiter dynamically selects one of the three possible arbitration schemes based upon the priority-level notifi- cations and the desired transfer length from the masters so that arbitration leads to the maximum performance. The area overhead of the adaptive dy- namic arbitration scheme will be 9%--25% larger than those of the other arbitration schemes and improves the throughput by 14%–62% compared to other schemes. There are totally nine arbitration schemes. Among the nine arbitration schemes, the adaptive dynamic arbitration scheme is the efficient one and the master which has accessed the bandwidth less number of times will be given highest priority and will get the grant signals.
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he on-chip bus plays a key role in the system-on-a- chip (SoC) design by enabling the efficient inte- gration of heterogeneous system components such as CPUs, DSPs, application-specific cores, memories, and custom logic. Recently, as the level
of design complexity has become higher, SoC de-
signs require a system bus with high bandwidth to
perform multiple operations in parallel. To solve the bandwidth problems, there have been several types of high-performance on-chip buses pro- posed, such as the multilayer AHB (ML-AHB) busmatrix from ARM, the PLB crossbar switch from IBM, and CONMAX from Silicore. Among them, the ML-AHB busmatrix has been widely used in many SoC designs. This is because of the simplicity of the AMBA bus of ARM, which at- tracts many IP designers, and the good architecture of the AMBA bus for applying embedded systems with low power. The ML-AHB busmatrix is an interconnection scheme based on the AMBA AHB protocol, which enables parallel access paths be- tween multiple masters and slaves in a system. This is achieved by using a more complex inter- connection matrix and gives the benefit of both increased overall bus bandwidth and a more flexi- ble system structure. In particular, the ML-AHB busmatrix uses slave-side arbitration. Slave-side arbitration is different from master-side arbitration in terms of request and grant signals since, in the former, the master merely starts a burst transaction and waits for the slave response to proceed to the
next transfer. Therefore, the unit of arbitration can be a transaction or a transfer. The transaction- based arbiter multiplexes the data transfer based on the burst transaction, and the transfer-based arbiter switches the data transfer based on a single transfer. However, the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM presents only transfer- based arbitration schemes, i.e., transfer based fixed-priority and round-robin arbitration schemes. This limitation on the arbitration scheme may lead to degradation of the system performance because the arbitration scheme is usually dependent on the application requirements; recent applications are likewise be- coming more complex and diverse. By implement- ing an efficient arbitration scheme, the system per- formance can be tuned to better suit applications. For a high-performance on-chip bus, several stud- ies related to the arbitration scheme have been proposed, such as table-lookup-based crossbar arbitration, two-level time-division multiplexing (TDM) scheduling, token-ring mechanism, dynam- ic bus distribution algorithm, and LOTTERYBUS. However, these approaches employ master-side arbitration. Therefore, they can only control priori- ty policy and also present some limitations when handling the transfer-based arbitration scheme since master-side arbitration uses a centralized arbiter. In contrast, it is possible to deal with the transfer-based arbitration scheme as well as the transaction- based arbitration scheme in slave-side arbitration. In this paper, we propose a flexible
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 2
ISSN 2229-5518
arbiter based on the adaptive-dynamic (AD) arbi- tration scheme for the ML-AHB busmatrix.
Fig. 1. Overall structure of the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM .
Our AD arbitration scheme has the follow- ing advantages:
1) It can adjust the processed data unit;
2) it changes the priority policies during
runtime; and
3) it is easy to tune the arbitration scheme
according to the characteristics of the target appli- cation.
Hence, our arbiter is able to not only deal
with the transfer-based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynamic-priority arbitration schemes but also manage the transaction-based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynamic-priority arbitration schemes. Furthermore, our arbiter provides the desired-transfer-length-based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynamic-priority arbitration schemes. In addition, the proposed AD arbiter se- lects one of the nine possible arbitration schemes based on the priority-level notifications and the desired transfer length from the masters to ensure that the arbitration leads to the maximum perfor- mance. In Section II, we briefly explain the arbitra- tion schemes for the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM, while Section III describes an implementation method for our flexible arbiter based upon the AD arbitration scheme for the ML-AHB busmatrix. We then present implementation results and perfor- mance analysis in Section IV, simulation results in Section V and concluding remarks in Section VI.
The ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM consists of the input stage, decoder, and output stage, including an arbiter. Fig. 1 shows the overall structure of the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM. The input stage is responsible for holding the address and control information when transfer to a slave is not able to commence immediately. The decoder determines which slave that a transfer is destined for. The out- put stage is used to select which of the various master input ports is routed to the slave. Each out- put stage has an arbiter. The arbiter determines which input stage has to perform
a transfer to the slave and decides which the high-
est priority is currently. The ML-AHB busmatrix employs slave-side arbitration, in which the arbi- ters are located in front of each slave port, as shown in Fig. 1. The master simply starts a transac- tion and waits for the slave response to proceed to the next transfer. Therefore, the unit of arbitration can be a transaction or a transfer. However, the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM furnishes only trans- fer-based arbitration schemes, specifically transfer- based fixed-priority and round-robin arbitration schemes. The transfer-based fixed-priority (round- robin) arbiter multiplexes the data transfer based on a single transfer in a fixed-priority or round- robin fashion.
An assumption is made that the masters can change their priority level and can issue the de- sired transfer length to the arbiters in order to im- plement a AD arbitration scheme. This assumption should be valid because the system developer gen- erally recognizes the features of the target applica- tions. For example, some masters in embedded systems are required to complete their job for giv- en timing constraints, resulting in the satisfaction of system-level timing constraints. The computa- tion time of each master is predictable, but it is not easy to foresee the data transfer time since the on- chip bus is usually shared by several masters. Pre- vious works solved this issue by minimizing the latencies of several latency-critical masters, but a side effect of these methods is that they can in- crease the latencies of other masters; hence, they
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 3
ISSN 2229-5518
may violate the given timing constraints. Unlike existing works, our scheme can keep the latency close to its given constraint by adjusting the priori- ty level and transfer length of the masters. Fig. 2 shows an example.
Fig. 2. Arbitration scheme examples in an embed- ded system. (a) Arbitration scheme with no con- sideration of the latency constraint. (b) Arbitration scheme minimizing latency. (c) AD arbitration scheme.
In this example, the service latencies (latency-limit times) of M1, M2, and M3 are 4, 8, and 2 cycles (T14, T8, and T10), respectively. The requests for three masters are all initiated at T0, and M3 is the most latency-sensitive master. Fig. 2(a) shows an arbitration scheme that does not use latency con- straints for arbitration. Therefore, M2 and M3 vio- late the latency constraint as the masters are select- ed in ascending order. Only M1 meets the con- straint. Fig. 2(b) shows the scheduling of a typical latency- minimizing arbiter. It minimizes the laten- cy of the most latency-sensitive module, namely, M3, causing M2 to violate its constraint. Although neither of these two arbitration schemes can meet the latency constraints for all three masters, in the AD arbitration shown in Fig. 2(c), all masters use the bus with no violations by configuring the prior- ity levels (transfer lengths) of M1, M2, and M3 as the lowest, highest, and intermediate priorities (4,
8, and 2), respectively.
We use part of a 32-b address bus of the masters to
inform the arbiters of the priority level and the desired transfer length of the masters. Fig. 3 shows the decoding information for our address bus.
Fig. 3. Decoding information of the 32-b address bus.
In Fig. 3, S_Number indicates the target slave number, P_Level means the priority level of a mas- ter, T_Length denotes the desired transfer length of a master, and Offset_Add specifies the internal address of the target slave. Each of S_Number and P_Level consists of 3 b because the maximum number of master–slave sets is 8 8. Also, T_Length is composed of 4 b because the maximum number of burst lengths is 16. Although we used 7 b for P_Level and T_Length in the 32-b address bus to notify the arbiters of the priority level and the de- sired transfer length of a master, we consider it adequate to express the internal address of a slave because the range of Offset_Add is from 0 to 222-1. Through the aforementioned assumption, the pri- ority level and transfer length can then be changed by the AD demand of each master.
Fig. 4 shows the internal structure of our arbiter based upon the AD arbitration scheme.
Fig. 4. Internal structure of our arbiter.
In Fig. 4, the NoPort signal means that none of the masters must be selected and that the address and control signals to the shared slave must be driven to an inactive state, while Master No. indicates the currently selected master number generated by the controller for the AD arbitration scheme. In gen- eral, our arbiter consists of an RR block, a P block, two multiplexers, a counter, a controller, and two flip-flops. MUX_1 and MUX_2 are used to select the arbitration scheme and the desired transfer length of a master, respectively. A counter calcu- lates the transfer length, with two flip-flops being inserted to avoid the attempts by the critical path to arbitrate. An RR block (P block) performs the round-robin- or priority-based arbitration scheme. Fig. 5 shows the internal process of an RR block.
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ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 5. Internal process of the RR block.
Initially, we create the up- and down-mask vectors
(Up_Mask and Dn_Mask) based on the number of
currently selected masters, as shown in Fig. 5. We then generate the up- or down-masked vector cre- ated through bitwise AND-ing operation between the mask vector and the requested master vector. After generating the up- and down-masked vec- tors, we examine each masked vector as to whether they are zero or not. If the up-masked vector is zero, the down-masked vector is inserted to the input parameter of the round-robin function; if it is not zero, the up-masked vector is the one inserted. A master for the next transfer is chosen by the round-robin function, and the current master is updated after 1 clock cycle. The RR block is then performed by repeating the arbitration procedure shown in Fig. 5.
A master for the next transfer is selected, with the priority level of the least significant bit in Masked_Vector being the highest. If we modify the range of Masked_Vector to “0 to Masked_Vector’left,” then the priority level of the most significant bit in Masked_Vector becomes the highest.
Fig. 6. Internal procedure of the P block.
Fig. 6 shows the internal procedure of the P block. First of all, we create the highest priority vector (V) through the round-robin function. After generating the highest priority vector (V), the priority-level vectors and the highest priority vector (V) are in- serted to the input parameters of the priority func- tion. The master with the highest priority is chosen by the priority function, while the current master is updated after 1 clock cycle. The master with the highest priority is selected in Fig 6.
A controller compares the priority levels of the requesting masters. If the masters have equal prior- ities, the controller selects the round-robin arbitra- tion scheme (RR block); in other cases, it chooses the priority arbitration scheme (P block). The con- troller also makes the final decision on the master for the next transfer based on the transfer length of the selected master. The control process follows the following three steps.
1) If HMASTLOCK is asserted, the same master remains selected.
2) If HMASTLOCK is not asserted and the current- ly selected master does not exist, the following hold.
a) If no master is requesting access, the
NoPort signal is asserted.
b) Otherwise, a new master for the next transfer is
initially selected. If the masters have equal priori- ties, the round-robin arbitration scheme is selected; otherwise, the priority arbitration scheme is cho- sen. In addition, the counter is updated based on the transfer length of the selected master.
3) If none of the previous statements applies, the following hold.
a) If the counter is expired, the following hold.
i) If the requesting masters do not exist, the No- Port signal is updated based on the HSEL signal of the currently selected master. If the HSEL signal is “1,” the same master remains selected, and the NoPort signal is deasserted. Otherwise, the NoPort signal is asserted.
ii) Otherwise, a master for the next transfer is se- lected based on the priority levels of the requesting
masters. Also, the counter is updated.
b) If the counter is not expired, and the HSEL sig-
nal of the current master is “1,” the same master
remains selected, and the counter is decreased.
c) If the currently selected master completes a
transaction before the counter is expired, the fol- lowing hold.
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 5
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i) If the requesting masters do not exist, the No- Port signal is asserted.
ii) Otherwise, a master for the next transfer is cho- sen based on the priority levels of the requesting masters, and the counter is updated.
The AD arbitration scheme is achieved through iteration of the aforementioned steps. Combining the priority level and the desired transfer length of the masters allows our arbiter to handle the trans- fer-based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynam- ic-priority arbitration schemes (abbreviated as the FT, RT, and DT arbitration schemes, respectively), as well as the transaction-based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynamic-priority arbitration schemes (abbreviated as the FR, RR, and DR arbi- tration schemes, respectively). Moreover, our arbi- ter can also deal with the desired-transfer-length- based fixed-priority, round-robin, and dynamic- priority arbitration schemes (abbreviated as the FL, RL, and DL arbitration schemes, respectively). The transfer- or transaction-based arbiter switches the data transfer based upon a single transfer (burst transaction), and the desired-transfer-length-based arbiter multiplexes the data transfer based on the transfer length assigned by the masters.
Fig. 7 shows the configurations for the fixed- priority arbitration schemes.
In this figure, the smaller the priority level num-
ber, the higher the priority level. In the fixed-
priority arbitration schemes, each master has a static priority. In transfer-based arbitration, how- ever, the transfer length is allocated as 1, indicating a single transfer; in transaction-based arbitration, the transfer length is equal to the HBURST signal, which refers to the transaction type (transfer length
= 8). In addition, the transfer length for the de-
sired-transfer-length-based arbitration is allotted
by the demand of each master (for example, let M0
= 2, M1 = 4, M2 = 8, and M3 = 6). The arbitration
results of Fig. 7 are as follows (“#” indicates the
transfer number).
1) FT arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2),
M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M1(#4), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M0(#4), M0(#5), M0(#6), M0(#7), M1(#5), M1(#6), M1(#7), M2(#3), M2(#4), M2(#5), M2(#6), M2(#7), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M3(#4), M3(#5), M3(#6), M3(#7).
2) FR arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M2(#4), M2(#5), M2(#6),
Fig. 7. Configurations for the fixed-priority arbitra- tion schemes.
M2(#7), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M0(#4), M0(#5), M0(#6), M0(#7), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M1(#4), M1(#5),
M1(#6), M1(#7), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M3(#4), M3(#5), M3(#6), M3(#7).
3) FL arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M2(#4), M2(#5), M2(#6), M2(#7), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M0(#4), M0(#5), M0(#6), M0(#7), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M1(#4), M1(#5),
M1(#6), M1(#7), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M3(#4), M3(#5), M3(#6), M3(#7).
In this case, the result of transaction-based arbitra- tion is equal to that of desired- ransfer-length- based arbitration because the
priority levels of all the masters are fixed. Fig. 8
shows the combinations for the round-robin arbi-
tration schemes. In these schemes, the masters have equal priorities, with the transfer length being assigned as 1 in transfer-based arbitration and 8 in transaction-based arbitration. Also, in desired- transferlength- based arbitration, the transfer length is assigned by the demand of each master (for example, let M0=2, M1=8, M2=6 , and M3=4 ). The arbitration results of Fig. 8 are as follows.
1) RT arbitration scheme: M0(#0), M1(#0), M2(#0), M3(#0), M0(#1), M1(#1), M2(#1), M3(#1), M0(#2), M1(#2), M2(#2), M3(#2), M0(#3), M1(#3), M2(#3), M3(#3), M0(#4), M1(#4), M2(#4), M3(#4), M0(#5), M1(#5),
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 6
ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 8. Configurations for the round-robin arbitra- tion schemes.
M2(#5), M3(#5), M0(#6), M1(#6), M2(#6), M3(#6), M0(#7), M1(#7), M2(#7), M3(#7).
2) RR arbitration scheme: M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M0(#4), M0(#5), M0(#6), M0(#7), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M1(#4), M1(#5), M1(#6), M1(#7), M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M2(#4), M2(#5),
M2(#6), M2(#7), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M3(#4), M3(#5), M3(#6), M3(#7).
3) RL arbitration scheme: M0(#0), M0(#1), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M1(#4), M1(#5), M1(#6), M1(#7), M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M2(#4), M2(#5), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M0(#2), M0(#3),
M2(#6), M2(#7), M3(#4), M3(#5), M3(#6), M3(#7), M0(#4), M0(#5), M0(#6), M0(#7).
Fig. 9 shows the configurations for the dynamic- priority arbitration schemes. In the dynamic- priority arbitration schemes, the priority of the masters can be changed by the AD demand of each master. Furthermore, the transfer length is as- signed as 1 in transfer-based arbitration and 4 in transaction-based arbitration. Also, the transfer length for desired-transfer-length- based arbitra- tion is assigned, as shown in Fig. 9. The arbitration results of Fig. 9 are as follows.
1) DT arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3) M3(#0),
Fig. 9. Configurations for the dynamic-priority arbitration schemes.
M3(#1), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M2(#0), M2(#1),
M2(#2), M2(#3), M0(#3), M1(#0),
M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M3(#2), M3(#3).
2) DR arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3) M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3).
3) DL arbitration scheme: M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M3(#0), M3(#1), M3(#2), M3(#3), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M2(#3) M3(#0), M3(#1), M0(#0), M0(#1), M0(#2), M0(#3), M2(#0), M2(#1), M2(#2), M2(#3), M1(#0), M1(#1), M1(#2), M1(#3), M3(#2), M3(#3).
A. Implementation Results
We implemented different slave-side arbitration
schemes for the ML-AHB busmatrix. Each arbitra- tion-scheme-based busmatrix was implemented with synthesizable RTL Verilog targeting XILINX FPGA (XC3S200). The XILINX design tool (ISE 7.1i) was used to measure the total area. The imple- mented
arbitration schemes are as follows:
• FT, FR, RT, RR, DT, DR, and AD arbitration
The ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM provides only
two arbitration schemes: FT and RT arbitration
schemes. Thus, we compared the FT- and RT-based busmatrixes of ARM with our corresponding bus- matrixes in the area overhead to show the credibil-
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 7
ISSN 2229-5518
ity of our implementation. The total areas of our FT- and RT-based busmatrixes decreases by 21% and 13% on average, respectively, compared with the FT- and RT-based busmatrixes of ARM. One reason is that we adapted the bit masking mecha- nism to our busmatrixes to reduce the area of the arbiter, while ARM used multiple priority encod- ers, a multiplexer, and a demultiplexer to imple- ment the arbiters of the busmatrixes. The total area of the AD-based busmatrix is 9%–25% larger than those of the other busmatrixes. This may be due to our AD-based busmatrix also requiring the com- parator to compare the priority of the masters and the counters to calculate the transfer length. Alt- hough our AD-based busmatrix occupies more area than the other busmatrixes, our arbiter is able to deal with varied arbitration schemes such as the FT, FR, RT, RR, DT, and DR arbitration schemes.
B. Performance Analysis
We utilized a ModelSim II simulator to measure
the performance of the ML-AHB busmatrixes with the different arbitration schemes and demonstrate the efficiency of our flexible AD arbitration scheme.
1) Simulation Environments: Fig. 10 shows our simulation environment.
In our simulation environment, the clock frequen-
cies of all components are 100 MHz (10 ns). The implemented ML-AHB busmatrix has a 32-b ad- dress bus, a 32-b write data bus, a 32-b read data bus, a 15-b
Fig. 10. Simulation environment for performance analysis.
control bus, and a 3-b response bus. Meanwhile, the simulation environment consists of both an implemented and a virtual part. The former corre- sponds to the
ML-AHB busmatrixes with different arbitration
schemes and consists of four masters and two slaves. Specifically, we only considered two target slaves, which is when conflict frequently happens. The masters then access these in order to focus on
the performance analysis based on the arbitration schemes of each busmatrix. The virtual part, how- ever, is composed of AHB
masters and AHB slaves. The AHB master gener-
ates the transactions, with the transactions of the masters having the same length as an 8-beat in- crementing burst type. The AHB slave responds to the transfers of the masters. Both the AHB masters and slaves are fully compatible with the AMBA AHB protocol. For a more realistic model of a SoC design, we modeled the AHB masters after the features of the processor and DMA with verilog at the behavioral level. For the AHB slaves, we used the real SRAM, SDRAM, and SDRAM controller RTL models used in many applications. We also constructed the protocol checker and performance monitor modules with the verilog and foreign lan- guage interface (FLI C module) to ensure the relia- bility of our performance simulations. Prior to the simulation, the workloads should be determined as they affect the simulation results. However, deter- mining the appropriate workloads of real applica- tions is difficult because these can only be obtained when all applications with real input data are spe- cifically modeled. Instead, the workloads for per- formance simulation are obtained through synthet- ic workload generation with the following parame- ters.
1) The distribution of transactions. This indicates what proportion of the total transactions that each master is responsible
2) The ratio of the nonbus transaction time to the
total transaction time per AHB master, where the
total transaction time consists of a nonbus transac- tion (internal transaction of the master) time and a bus transaction (external transaction of the master through the busmatrix) time.
3) The latency time of the accessed slave by each
master. These parameters determine the delay of components in the virtual part. Through synthetic workload generation, various possible situations are investigated, where the ML-AHB busmatrixes with each arbitration scheme can be utilized well. In this regard, we found three useful categories of experiments to identify the effects of the following factors:
1) job length of the masters;
2) latency time of the slaves;
3) both the job length of the masters and the laten- cy time of
the slaves.
The dynamic-priority-based arbitration scheme has
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 8
ISSN 2229-5518
the advantage for throughput when there are few masters with long job lengths in a system; in other cases, the round-robin-based arbitration scheme can get higher throughput than other arbitration schemes. In addition, the arbitration scheme with transaction-based multiplexing performs better than the same arbitration scheme with single- transfer-based switching in applications with fre- quent access to long-latency slaves such as SDRAM. The slave for the first category is the SRAM-type AHB slave (AHB slave0 in Fig. 10) without latency for access, while the slave for the second category is the SDRAM-type AHB slave with a long latency time for access. The slave for the third category can be an AHB slave0 or an AHB slave1. In particular, the target addresses are generated based on the uniform distribution ran- dom number function between AHB slave0 and AHB slave1. Therefore, each master communicates with the slaves with the same probability in the third category. We performed a number of perfor- mance simulations at various job lengths and ob- served no difference in the results of the performance simulation at specific job lengths. The specific job length was 4800, and we decided the job length for performance analysis to be the same at 4800. In addition, this job length explicitly exhib- its the features of each arbitration scheme very well.
2) Simulation Results: Fig. 11 shows the simulation
results of the Adaptive-Dynamic arbitration
scheme. In this paper, throughput is defined as
Throughput = NTransactions * NTransfers * Nbit / T
where NTransactions is the total number of trans- actions, NTransfers indicates the number of trans- fers per transaction, denotes the data bit width, and T means the completion time of the data transmission. Note that NTransactions, NTransfers
, Nbit and are all fixed in three categories. Howev- er, the simulation results are different from each other since the distribution of transactions (total transaction/nonbus transaction) is different from each other.
Fig. 11 : Output of AD arbiter
In this paper, we proposed a flexible arbiter based on the AD arbitration scheme for the ML-AHB busmatrix. Our arbiter supports three priority poli- cies-fixed priority, round-robin, and dynamic pri- ority-and three approaches to data multiplexing- transfer, transaction, and desired transfer length; in other words, there are nine possible arbitration schemes. In addition, the proposed AD arbiter se- lects one of the nine possible arbitration schemes based on the priority-level notifications and the desired transfer length from the masters to allow the arbitration to lead to the maximum perfor- mance. Experimental results show that, although the area of the proposed AD arbitration scheme is
9%–25% larger than those of other arbitration schemes, our arbiter improves the throughput by
14%–62% compared with other schemes. We there-
fore expect that it would be better to apply our AD arbitration scheme to an application- specific sys- tem because it is easy to tune the arbitration scheme according to the features of the target sys- tem. For future work, we feel that the configura- tions of the AD arbitration scheme with the maxi- mum throughput need to be found automatically during runtime.
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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix 9
ISSN 2229-5518
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