International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


Formation Mechanism of Barium Titanate by Solid-State Reactions

Kolthoum I. Othman1, Ahmed A. Hassan1, Omar A. A. Abdelal1, Ezzat S. Elshazly1, M. El-Sayed Ali1, S. M. El-Raghy2, S. El-Houte1

1Atomic Energy Authority, NRC, Metallurgy Dept., P.O.Box 13759, Cairo, Egypt.

2Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.


The solid state reactions of BaTiO3 formation from a mechanically activated BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture have been investigated. Thermogravimetric TGA, thermomechanical TMA, scanning electron microscopy SEM, X-ray diffraction XRD and reactions thermodynamic analyses have been used in the present study. The results of these analyses showed that, the formation of BaTiO3 proceeds through a direct reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2, not through the decomposition of BaCO3 to BaO neither through the formation of Ba2TiO4 intermediate phase. The agglomerated nature of the milled powder, its rearrangement during the course of the reaction, the particle size of BaCO3 and TiO2 and the effect of the evolved CO2 gas in the reaction zone are the major factors affecting the mechanism of reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2.

Index Terms: Barium Titanate, TG; TMA, reaction mechanism, formation.


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Barium titanate (BaTiO3) ceramics have been extensively studied during the last few decades because of its excellent electrical and electromechanical properties. A substantial number of synthetic methods have been developed for the preparation of barium titan- ate powders. Both the conventional solid state reaction methods and the chemical methods such as sol gel, coprecipitation, hydro- thermal and mechanochemical used to prepare barium titanate have been reviewed by Vigalovic et al.[1]. Studies on the prepara- tion of nano-size barium titanate have been carried out in the last decade and are still done by a number of authors; [2-4]. Large scale production is frequently based on solid-state reactions of mixed powders BaCO3 and TiO2 at high temperatures [5]. Howev- er, this procedure can result in a ceramic with compositional in- homogeneities and formation of secondary phases which harms the electrical properties of BaTiO3. Hence the intimate mixing of the starting powders is of paramount importance for BaTiO3 preparation. The mechanical activation using high energy milling process is a very effective method for obtaining highly mixed powders [6-9]. Several assumptions were made to explain the for- mation mechanisms of barium titanate from BaCO3 and TiO2

precursors. According to Pavlović et al.[9], the following reactions

sequence was proposed:

of BaTiO3 with a trace amount of Ba2TiO4. On the other hand, Kong et al.[6], proposed the following scheme which had been proposed long ago by Gallagher et al.[17],

2BaCO3 + TiO2 → Ba2TiO4 + 2CO2 (4) Ba2TiO4 +TiO2 → 2BaTiO3

On the other hand, Beauger et al.[11] proposed another two schemes, the first scheme was:

BaCO3 → BaO + CO2 (5)

2BaO+ TiO2 → Ba2TiO4 (6)

Ba2TiO4 +TiO2 → 2BaTiO3

While the second one was: BaCO3 → BaO + CO2

BaO + TiO2 → BaTiO3

BaTiO3+ BaCO3 → Ba2TiO4 + CO2

Ba2TiO4 +TiO2 → 2BaTiO3

From the above assumptions it can be seen that, the transfor- mation of the reactant to the final product (BaTiO3), could take place by using different paths; i.e. different reaction formulas.

Meanwhile Seveyrat et al.[10], emphasized on the reaction: Ba- CO3+TiO2→BaTiO3+CO2 as a major contributor to the formation

be a useful tool in examining whether a certain reaction could take place under certain conditions, while another could not. This could be done through the calculation of the change in the

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


Gibbs free energy (∆G) of the different reactions at different tem- peratures.

1.1. Thermodynamics of the chemical reactions:

Gibbs free energy change (∆GT) is defined in equation (1) as a function of temperature;

∆GT =∆HT -T∆ST ….(1)

Where: ∆HT is the enthalpy change for the different chemical

precursors taking part in the reaction, calculated as given in

Equation (2):

down the mill. After milling the slurry was dried at 90oC for 20h in the drying Furnace (NEY Furnace, M-525). The dried powder was then crushed in agate mortar (Fritsch, Germany) followed by sieving using 112 µm sieve. The sieved powder was calcined in Carbolite Furnace, GPC 1300, UK at temperatures from 600 to 900°C for dif- ferent times, with a heating rate of 10°C/min. The thermal analysis was studied using differential thermal analyzer (DTA-50), the ther- mo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA-50) and the thermo-mechanical ana- lyzer (TMA-50) from Shimadzu-Japan. X-ray diffractometer (XRD-
3A, Shimadzu-Japan, CuKα-Ni filter) was used for phase analysis.
Powder morphology, agglomerations, grain size and the as-fired sur- faces of the sintered bodies were examined using a Scanning Elec-

H  H





tron Microscope (JEOL, JSM 5400, Japan).

3. Results and Discussion

Where: ∆H˚298 is the standard heat of formation at 298K and CP

is the heat capacity [12]. Cp can be calculated from equation (3): CP = a+b*10-3 T– c*105/T2 ….(3)

Where: a, b, and c are constants.

The entropy change ∆S could be calculated from the following equation:

3.1. Thermal Analysis

Figure (1) shows the DTA-TG curves for the BaCO3-TiO2 milled powder mixtures. It can be seen from the figure that, the DTA curve does not show any endothermic or exothermic peaks during heating up to 1000°C, while the thermo-






gravimetric (TG) curve shows a weight loss of 18.5%. First a
weight loss of 2.46% starting from the room temperature and ending at 220°C, this is represented by differential thermo-

These calculations should be made for the reactants and the prod-

ucts involved in the proposed reactions that could possibly occur. The enthalpy and entropy change for the reaction were given by euations (5) and (6):

∆HR =∑∆HProduct -∑∆HReactant (5)

∆SR =∑∆SProduct -∑∆SReactant (6)

The thermodynamic data for the standard values ∆H298,

∆S298 and the heat capacity Cp for the chemical precursors used

as reactants, as well as for the reaction products were obtained from Kubaschewski et al.[12], and Karapetyants [13] and presented

in Table (1).

Table (1): The standard thermodynamic data for ∆Ho,

∆So, and Cp.

* O. Kubaschewski and C. B. Alcock, "Metallurgical Thermochemistry", Per- gamon press, 1979.

** M. Kh. Karapetyants, "Chemical Thermodynamics", MIR Pu blishers-Moscow,


2. Experimental Procedure:

An equimolar mixture of BaCO3 (99% purity, Aldrich Chemical Company, USA) powder and a very fine titanium dioxide (TiO2) were used as the starting materials. The fine TiO2 powder was pre- pared from TiCl4 (Aldrich Chemical Co. Ltd., Gillingham-Dorset- England) by oxidation and hydrolysis. Slurry of BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture in alcohol was milled in the planetary mill (Retsch PM400- Fritsch, Germany) for 7.5h. The milling speed was set at 200 rpm.
The milling was stopped for 5 min every 30 min of milling to cool
gravimetric (DTG) peak (Figure-2) at 40°C, which corresponds to the elimination of the remainder of the ethanol used in the wet milling. Another 2% weight loss occurred in the tempera-
ture range 220-430°C, Which corresponds to a DTG peak at
293°C and represented the release of absorbed water from the
TiO2 powder. Then in the temperature range from 430 to
1000°C, the TG curve showed a weight loss of 15.8%, corre- sponding to the formation of one mole BaTiO3 as a result of

the reaction of one mole BaCO3 and one mole TiO2. This value is equivalent to the release of one mole CO2, in agreement with the published results [7, 8, 10, 14]. On the other hand, Kong et al.,[6] used a planetary milled BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture from Aldrich Chemicals, showed relatively lower value of weight loss of 12.1%, which might be due to deficiency in the carbonate proportion in their powder mixture.

Fig.1. DTA-TG for BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture milled for 7.5h.

The TG curve shows that the formation of BaTiO3 takes place in three consecutive stages; characterized by three DTG peaks

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


at 612, 729, and 915°C. The first one (corresponding to DTG peak at 611.8C) in the temperature range 550-670°C, corre- sponds to the beginning of the reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2 to form BaTiO3 phase and release of CO2 (according to the reaction: BaCO3+TiO2 →BaTiO3+CO2). The second stage (corresponding to DTG peak at 728.8 °C) proceeded at a slow- er rate than the first one, in the temperature range 670-820°C and might stand for the Ba2TiO4 intermediate phase formation. The third stage took place in the temperature range 820-950°C, and is characterized by a very large DTG peak at 914.7°C. This may stand for the reaction between the unreacted BaCO3 and TiO2 and as well for the reaction of tiny amount of the inter- mediate phase Ba2TiO4 and the unreacted TiO2 to form BaTiO3 phase.

Fig. 2. The DTG curve for the BaCO3-TiO2 powder mixture milled for 7.5h.

Figures (3), (4) show the relative linear shrinkage and the linear shrinkage rate versus temperature and time, respectively, for a com- pact made from the as milled BaCO3/TiO2 powder mixture. From Figure (3) it can be seen that, the shrinkage took place in two stages: the first one started at ~654°C and ended at 895°C. Then upon fur- ther heating, no shrinkage could be observed until the second stage of shrinkage started at ~1135°C and continued with an increasing rate during the heating up to ~1320°C. Figure (4) showed that, in the first stage of shrinkage there were two maxima in the shrinkage rate; the first one at 714°C and the second at 836°C. The thermomechani- cal analysis is in agreement with the DTG results mentioned previ- ously, but lag behind by about 100°C. This comes from the differ- ence in nature between the compact and the powder and as well be- tween weight loss and dimension changes in the compact during the course of the reaction where CO2 gas will be evolved or released. This could result in competition between swelling (expansion) and contraction due to particle rearrangement at the beginning. Then upon increasing the temperature and the continuous release of CO2 from the sample, contraction in the compacts showed the two shrink- age peaks mentioned above (at 714.2 and 836°C). The slowing down in rate of weight change (DTG-Figure 2) during the second stage of the reaction might be a result of an increase in CO2 pressure released in large quantities at the first stage in the vicinity of the re- actants. The presence of CO2 gas thermodynamically suppresses the reaction until paths for CO2 release are created through microcracks formation caused by CO2 pressure build up.

Fig. 3. Linear shrinkage of the BaCO3-TiO2 compact.

Fig. 4. Linear shrinkage rate of the BaCO3-TiO2 compact.

3.2. X-ray diffraction

X-ray phase analysis made on the product of the solid state reaction in air between BaCO3 and TiO2 Figure (5) showed that BaTiO3 is the dominating phase. The amount of BaTiO3 formed after calcination increases with the increase in calcination temperature at constant calcination time of 1h. At 900°C, the reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2 reaches an end by 100% formation of perovskite single phase BaTiO3.

Fig. 5. XRD patterns of powder mixture milled for 7.5 h and cal-

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


cined atdifferent temperatures.

However, the XRD patterns for the powders calcined at 800°C, showed small amounts of an intermediate phase with a composition Ba2TiO4 (orthotitanate phase at 2θ=28.6°) in addition to BaTiO3, TiO2 and BaCO3 phases. This trace amount of Ba2TiO4 does not appear on the XRD patterns made for the powders calcined at 600,
700, and 900°C. Seveyrat et al.[10], Berbeni et al.[8], and
Brzozowski et al.[7] reported a similar behavior, where a very small amount of intermediate phase was preceded by BaTiO3 formation, in
agreement with the present results. They found that the temperature at which this trace amount of Ba2TiO4 was formed and the tempera- ture at which this phase retransformed to BaTiO3 depends on the reactivity of TiO2 powder and on the milling time. On the other hand,
Kong et al.[6] came up with a conclusion, telling that the intermediate
phase Ba2TiO4 was formed before the formation of BaTiO3 at 700°C.
This is not only contradicting with the above results but it contradicts also with their own XRD pattern, which shows that BaTiO3 starts to form at 600°C. This rules out the statement saying that the formation of BaTiO3 should be preceded by the formation of Ba2TiO4 interme- diate phase. Their results might be attributed to probable in homoge- neity of their mixture or may be due to using more BaTiO3 than that required stoichiometrically.

3.3. The thermodynamic Analysis

The thermodynamic calculations of the change in Gibbs free energy
(∆G) versus temperature for the different possible reactions that could take place during the calcination of BaCO3 and TiO2; showed to be in favor of the direct reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2 to form BaTiO3. Figure (6) shows the free energy change, ∆G, versus tem- perature; From the figure it can be seen that, the schemes of reac- tions based on the decomposition of BaCO3 (A. Beauger et al., 1983, E. Brzozwski et al., 2003) contradict with the thermodynamic data of the decomposition of BaCO3, which occurs at relatively higher tem- perature than that for the direct reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2. On the other hand, models based on the formation of Ba2TiO4 from the reaction between BaTiO3 and BaCO3 also contradicts with the thermodynamic data. Since this reaction can not take place at 800°C but at rather higher temperature i.e 900°C. The only thermodynami- cally possible reaction to form Ba2TiO4 at 800°C is:
2BaCO3 + TiO2 → Ba2TiO4 + CO2
However, this reaction is not geometrically feasible because the pre- viously formed BaTiO3 acts as isolation layer between the reactants BaCO3 and TiO2. Yet, if somehow a quantity of the intermediate phase Ba2TiO4 was formed, most of it will disappear immediately when reacting with CO2 gas trapped in the reaction zone. This will take place according to a thermodynamically possible reaction as follows:
Ba2TiO4 + CO2 → BaTiO3 +BaCO3, Where: ∆G = -20.3 Kj/mole
From the above discussion, and combining the results of the thermo- dynamic analysis together with the XRD analyses and the DTA/TGA curves might be useful for better understanding the reaction mecha- nism of BaTiO3 formation through solid state reaction. Thus a more realistic approach to the reaction mechanism will be given in the following section.

Fig. 6. The change in Gibbs free energy (∆G) versus temperature for the different possible reactions that could take place during the calcination of BaCO3 and TiO2

3.4. Realistic approach to the reaction mechanism The SEM of the as milled powder, Figure (7), showed that the pow- der consists of large agglomerates of bimodal particles of fine TiO2 and coarse BaCO3.

Fig. 7. SEM of dispersed powder of the BaCO3/TiO2 milled mixture.

When the agglomerated mixture schematically shown on Figure (8- A) is heated up to 600-700°C, a reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2 to form BaTiO3 will take place at all the dissimilar contacts inside each agglomerate and as well in the contact surfaces between the agglom- erates where dissimilar contacts exist as schematically shown on Figure (8-B). The XRD made on BaCO3/TiO2 mixture calcined at
600°C showed the formation of BaTiO3. This reaction produces CO2
gas, most of it was trapped inside each agglomerates. The gas will
develop pressure which will create slowly a network of microcracks
through which it will escape from the reaction zones. This can be seen from the TG curve, Figure (1), which shows a relatively low rate for the weight loss. The thermomechanical analysis TMA showed a shrinkage which occurs as a result of release of CO2. This shrinkage will be accompanied by particle rearrangement inside each agglomerates as well as agglomerates rearrangement. As a result new dissimilar contacts inside and outside the agglomerates will be created and the reaction proceeds again on the newly created dissimi- lar contact surfaces and more BaTiO3 was formed. On some of the new surfaces of contacts between the agglomerates which are rich in BaCO3, an intermediate phase of Ba2TiO4 may be formed as shown

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


in Figure (8-C). As mentioned before the XRD made on the powder mixture calcined at 800°C showed a trace amount of the intermediate phase, which indicates that the heterogeneities in the powder are very little. This supports the idea that this reaction occurs on few places at the new contact surfaces between the agglomerates, where dissimilar contacts rich in BaCO3 exist. This step also will be ac- companied by further shrinkage and rearrangements (reflected on TMA curves), which will create further new dissimilar contacts dur- ing the course of heating up. The reaction will then proceed at rela- tively higher rate as shown on the TG curve, Figure (1), as a result of the increase of temperature and the ease of the CO2 release. In this range of temperature the TiO2 will react with both the intermediate phase and the residual BaCO3 to form BaTiO3. This is shown on Figure (8-D), where single phase BaTiO3 fine particles and voids were formed. It should be noted here that the particle size of the initial powder and the homogeneity are very important factors in the determination of the reaction mechanism. Niepce et al.[15] and Buscaglia et al.[16] showed that it is possible to prevent the formation of Ba2TiO4 phase by controlling the particle size of both BaCO3 and TiO2 powders.

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram for the realistic approach describ- ing the reaction mechanism of formation of BaTiO3 from Ba- CO3/TiO2 powder mixture

4. Conclusions

The solid state reaction of BaTiO3 formation from a me- chanically activated BaCO3-TiO2 system has been investigated. An equai molar mixture of BaCO3 and TiO2 powders was acti- vated in a planetary ball mill for 7.5 h. A reaction mechanism was proposed depending on the morphology of the milled powder

and on the experimental results obtained from SEM, TG, TMA and XRD analyses. The agglomerated nature of the milled pow- der, its rearrangement during the course of the reaction, the parti- cle size of BaCO3 and TiO2 and the effect of CO2 gas in the reac- tion zone are the major factors affecting the mechanism of reac- tion between BaCO3 and TiO2. The DTA-TG, XRD and the thermodynamic analyses showed that, the formation of BaTiO3 proceeds through a direct reaction between BaCO3 and TiO2, not through the decomposition of BaCO3 to BaO, neither through the formation of Ba2TiO4 intermediate phase.


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