International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 762
ISSN 2229-5518
Design and characterization of a Fully
Associative Cache Controller IP core
Deepa C, Nandakumar R.
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RESENTLY the speed of the memories is not able to cope up with the speed of the processors. As a result of
this a cache memory becomes an integral part of the
memory hierarchy. Cache is a small, fast array of memory placed between the processor and main memory. Cache consists of a fast memory that is typically made from SRAM and a controller. This controller section of the cache is responsible for performing all the logical operations of the cache. Cache controller is the brain behind cache. Internally it has a finite state machine that generates the control signals needed for the operation of cache memory and main memory.
The proposed controller is targeted for a fully associative cache memory having a cache size of 512
KB. Both the address and data widths are 32 bit. The address issued by the processor is of 32 bits. The write policy used is write through, i.e., data is written synchronously to the cache memory as well as to the main memory. On write misses, write no allocate policy is used, i.e., data is written to the main memory only. On read misses data is written to the cache. Cyclic replacement policy is used. Section 2 deals with the architecture of the proposed controller; the principle of operation of the controller is covered in section 3; simulation results are shown in section 4 and synthesis results are given in section 5. Hardware test results are given in section 6. Section 7 gives the conclusion.
The proposed cache controller is designed to work with custom fully set associative cache memory. It has a host interface on one side and cache memory and main memory
on the other side. The controller consists of control logic, built in replacement block, CAM and an encoder.
The block diagram of proposed Cache controller is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Block diagram of cache controller
The input output diagram of controller is shown in Figure
2. The output signals from the cache controller are given as
input to the cache memory and main memory. All the pins
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 763
ISSN 2229-5518
in the pin diagram are described in Table 1. Direction and description of the pins are also given.
Figure 2: Input output diagram of cache controller
Table 1: Pin description of cache controller
Controller has a host interface on one side and cache memory and main memory on the other side. The controller architecture consists of Control logic, built in replacement block, CAM and an encoder. Detailed explanations of each of the blocks are given below.
1. Control logic:
Control logic generates the control signals needed to the memory, registers, CAM and replacement block. The control signals generated by the control unit are S_write and S_read and M_wait. S_write is the control signal given to the slave unit indicating slave write and S_read is the signal indicating Slave read. M_wait indicates that the master unit is busy.
2. Replacement Block:
Replacement policy used in the controller is counter based replacement policy. The counter is implemented using the built in lpm_counter megafunction. The counter based replacement policy provides a simple and effective way to select data to be evicted from the cache. The counter always points at the next value, to be evicted in the cache. The counter increments with each new value cached. The values that enter the cache least recently are evicted first. This policy does not take into account how many times a piece of data was accessed. However it requires simpler circuitry, which reduces silicon penalty.
3. Encoder:
The encoder is the largest block of logic and is within the system’s critical path. The size of the encoder is determined by the depth of the cache, Increases in cache depth result in a longer critical path and smaller fmax. So an efficient implementation of encoder is required to overcome this reduction in fmax.
4. CAM:
A cache must search through a number of tags so as to find a match this process of searching through the tags can be done by using a Content Addressable Memory (CAM). A CAM is the inverse of RAM in the sense, while RAM is given an address as input and outputs the data stored at that address, a CAM receives data and returns the address where the data is stored, or indicates that the data is not currently in the CAM. This makes CAMs ideal for searching through tags and detecting cache hits. The
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 764
ISSN 2229-5518
pattern given to the CAM is tag and the address returned by the CAM is the position of data in the Data RAM.
5. Registers:
Registers are implemented using the built in flip flops of the memory blocks. The altsyncram megafunction enables users to specify whether these registers should be used or not. If the registers are not needed they can be bypassed. This optimization is to provide a latency of two or three cycles.
The different operations of the memory are Read operation and Write operation. The different stages of the cache controller for read and write operation can be explained by a Finite State Machine (FSM). FSM for read operation and write operation are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively.
Figure 3: FSM for read operation
When both M_read and M_write inputs are active low, controller remains in the IDLE state, i.e., there is no memory access, underway. When M_read or M_write is high, controller interprets it as a valid request. Then the control moves to the TAGCOMPARE state to see if the tags match. If the tags match i.e., it is a cache hit and M_read is high, control moves to the READDATA state. In the READDATA state data is read from the cache memory. After completion of cache memory read control moves to the IDLE state.
If the tags don’t match and M_read is high, the control
moves to the MEMREAD state to access main memory. During this state data is read from the main memory. After completion of main memory read, control moves to the WRITE state. In this state data is written to the cache memory. Data read from the main memory is provided to the processor and control moves to the IDLE state.
Figure 4: FSM for write operation
When both M_read and M_write inputs are active low, controller remains in the IDLE state, i.e., there is no memory access, underway. When M_read or M_write is high, controller interprets it as a valid request. Then the control moves to the TAGCOMPARE state to see if the tags match. If the tags match i.e., it is a cache hit and M_write is high, control moves to the WRITE state. In the WRITE state data is written to the cache memory. After completion of cache memory write control moves to the WRITE2 state, i.e., data is written to the main memory as well. After completion of main memory write control moves to the IDLE state.
If the tags don’t match and M_write is high, the control moves to the WRITE2 state to initiate write-through to main memory. During this state data is read from the main memory.
Simulation of cache controller IP core was done using ModelSim SE®. Simulation results for read operation are shown in Figure 5 and 6.
Figure 5: Read operation (Hit)
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 765
ISSN 2229-5518
Figure 6: Read operation (Miss)
Simulation results for write operation are shown in Figure
7 and 8.
Table 2: Resource utilization report
Figure 7: Write operation (Hit)
Figure 8: Write operation (Miss)
Design was synthesized by using Altera Quartus® II Design suite.
Resource utilization report is given in Table 2.
Quartus II PowerPlay Power Analyzer® was used to perform power analysis.
Table 3: Power analysis report
IJSER © 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 766
ISSN 2229-5518
The SignalTap II ® Logic Analyzer was used for on chip debugging of the IP core. Signaltap II ® Logic Analyzer captures and displays real time signal behavior.
Figure 13: Read operation (Miss)
Figure 9: Idle condition
Figure 10: Write operation (Hit)
Figure 11: Write operation (Miss)
Figure 12: Read operation (Hit)
The architecture of a custom controller with counter based replacement policy for a fully set associative cache memory was designed, prototyped and characterized for resource utilization and power consumption. The controller serves as a reliable interface to the cache memory as well as to the main memory. The proposed design was tested by implementing the design on Altera® FPGA development board having EP2C20F484C7 FPGA belonging to Cyclone™ family.
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